The High Costs of an Unrecognized Mental Health Issue

Shopping addiction is an unrecognized and increasingly prevalent issue in today’s society. There is an underlying assumption that shopping is an inherently positive activity, yet like any other rewarding experience it can be taken to extremes. Those suffering from a shopping addiction experience an uncontrollable compulsion to shop regardless of whether the spending is necessary, logical or beneficial for them. The consequences of such spending are devastating both financially and emotionally.

Although it is possible to be over-indulgent in this respect, the rareness of an actual addiction to shopping suggests that those who are struggling to control their spending need help from mental health professionals, as and of those struggling with the disorder may not be aware they have a condition. Research has found a combination of factors contribute to the development of a shopping addiction, including the availability of credit cards/online shopping, impulse buying, and the rewarding feeling of gaining a new item or experience.

Shopping addiction typically follows a pattern of increasingly chaotic, desperate, and out-of-control behaviors. It consists primarily of the individual disregarding the financial and emotional consequences that will result from their spending, and instead, they focus solely on obtaining something new or getting a bargain. This pattern often leads to over-spending and even bankruptcy. Those suffering from a shopping addiction often pay more for items than what they are worth, pile up credit card debt, and become experts at using the financial loopholes in order to buy items they normally couldn’t afford. It is also not uncommon to experience feelings of shame and guilt afterwards as the individual realizes the toll their behavior has taken on their finances and connections in life.

Unfortunately, shopping addiction is one of the few addictions not treated as a mental health issue within society. instead, society often punishes and/or makes fun of people having financial difficulty instead of offering solutions or exploring the underlying cause of the issue. Moreover, treatment for the problem is often slow and difficult to obtain due to the stigma attached to it. It is also not typically seen as a mental health issue, due to the lack of social and medical recognition. In order for shopping addiction to be recognized as a mental health disorder and treated as such, huge paradigm shifts must occur within society and healthcare.

Due to its existing invisibility, it is crucial that appropriate measures are put in place in order to adequately diagnose and treat those suffering from uncontrolled spending habits. By promoting greater awareness of shopping addiction, identifying triggers, and building a support network, individuals can begin to address their issues. Here, they can learn healthier ways to cope with the underlying causes, seek help for addictions, and develop effective strategies to manage their finances and other problematic behaviors.

Shopping addiction can have a huge impact on an individual’s life and can result in financial, emotional, and interpersonal distress. Without appropriate intervention, it can lead to severe problems and even bankruptcy. It is of utmost importance that those suffering from this condition be aware of the issue, much like Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Gambling Addiction, and Alcoholism, and that professionals in the field properly diagnose individuals and provide relevant treatment. Treatment options must be open and accessible to those seeking help for their addiction, so that they can begin living an active, healthy and financially stable life.

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